EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH Приложения

AirKey - Mobiles become keys! 2.5.1
EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH
Description:The EVVA AirKey electronic locking system allows you to simply sendencoded access authorisations from anywhere in the world via theInternet. All AirKey needs is an NFC-compatible mobile phone, theAirkey online administration tool, Internet access and an AirKeycylinder. With AirKey, the mobile phone is the key. You need thefree AirKey app to turn your mobile phone into a key. After havingsuccessfully downloaded the app and entered your registration codefrom the AirKey online administration tool, you can use yourNFC-compatible mobile phone as a key.Functions:- The AirKey app turns your NFC-compatible mobile phone into a key.Use it to lock AirKey cylinders for which you have accessauthorisations.- Use the AirKey online administration tool to assignaccess authorisations for certain doors or entire access areasusing your own — or even someone else's — mobile phone.- The AirKey app can grant you access authorisations to severalAirKey systems at the same time.- View your access authorisations and their validity at aglance.- The app turns your mobile phone into a coding station: Use it tosimply program identification media, such as key tags and cards orupdate AirKey cylinders.- The AirKey app saves all access events, for instance when acylinder opened, encodes the information and transfers itto theAirKey online administration tool the next time the two arelinked.- The AirKey app may optionally also be secured with a PINcode.- Assign special "maintenance mode" authorisations to one mobilephone. As a result, the AirKey app will list maintenance tasks.Such special authorisations also allow you to add lockingcomponents and identification media to your AirKey locking systemas well as to lock locking components in factory defaultcondition.Commissioning:- Visit https://airkey.evva.com/#en-UK to sign up to the AirKeyonline administration tool- Specify a password for the AirKey online administrationtool- Create new user profiles and smartphones and assign these topersons within the AirKey online administration tool- Create a registration code for the AirKey app- Download the AirKey app- Enter the registration code from the AirKey online administrationtool in the AirKey app- Optional protection with a PIN code- Assign authorisations and use the mobile phone as a keyFurther information:- Required Android version: from 4.0.0- Hardware requirements: NFC-compatible smartphone (smartphonescompatible with AirKey are listed here):http://www.evva.at/products/electronic-locking-systems-access-control/airkey/compatible-smartphones/en/- For more information on the AirKey system:http://www.evva.at/airkey/en
EMZY 1.69.2
EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH
With the EMZY, every door is automatically and reliably locked.